Expunging Marijuana Offenses through Community Collaboration

In an effort to address the lingering consequences of marijuana-related convictions, the Reclaim Your Future campaign recently spearheaded an Outreach Blitz in collaboration with two prominent community organizations—The Network-Phoenix Social Collective and the Arizona State University Cannabis Legal Association (CLA).

This initiative aimed to inform and empower individuals across Graham, Maricopa, Pima, and Pinal counties about the newly enacted marijuana expungement law, a pivotal step towards a more just and equitable society.

The Expungement Landscape in Arizona

With the passage of Proposition 207 in 2020, Arizona witnessed a significant shift in its approach to marijuana-related offenses. The legalization of adult recreational use brought about the state’s first expungement law, allowing people with prior convictions for offenses such as possession and transportation of marijuana to have their records cleared.

Expungement offers a path to employment opportunities, improved housing prospects, and access to crucial benefits like student loans and professional licenses.

The Outreach Blitz

Earlier this year, the Reclaim Your Future campaign, through public records requests, identified a staggering 34,874 cases of marijuana offenses across multiple counties.

In response, the Outreach Blitz events were organized, leveraging the collaborative efforts of community organizations to prepare informative mailers. These mailers contained details about the marijuana expungement law, self-representation materials for expungement, and information about Reclaim Your Future’s state-funded expungement program.

“CLA is honored to have participated in an expungement event where we were able to actively educate the community about marijuana expungement.”
– Taylor Miller, ASU law student

Network-Phoenix Social Collective (The Network)

Frederick Alphonso, a representative of The Network, emphasized the organization’s commitment to personal and professional growth within the community.

“Marijuana expungement holds a place with The Network because men who look like us are disproportionately affected by criminalization,” Alphonso said. The organization took proactive steps in October, bringing together six of their members to send out 500 letters about expungement to individuals with marijuana-related felonies, aiming to reach those who might not encounter this information through traditional channels.

Alphonso, a recent transplant to Phoenix from Chicago, expressed his desire for Arizona to adopt automatic expungement, citing the stark contrast with Illinois’s approach.

“Expungement was automatic in Illinois. We would love to see that happen in Arizona,” he said.

Cannabis Legal Association (CLA)

Taylor Miller, an ASU law student affiliated with CLA, highlighted the importance of marijuana expungement for the organization.

“CLA is honored to have participated in an expungement event where we were able to actively educate the community about marijuana expungement,” Miller said. Recognizing the positive impact of clean records, Miller emphasized the responsibility of the legal community to address the unfair consequences faced by individuals with marijuana convictions.

The CLA-Reclaim Your Future collaborative event last month brought in approximately 40 students who sent out 2,348 mailers in just over three hours.

The collaboration between Reclaim Your Future and CLA has yielded overwhelmingly positive responses, fostering a sense of community engagement and passion among law students. Miller underscored the significance of the Outreach Blitz in disseminating vital information to individuals who may not have easy access to expungement resources, given Arizona’s lack of automatic expungements.

A brighter, more inclusive future for all

The recent Outreach Blitz, a collaborative effort between the Reclaim Your Future campaign, The Network, and CLA, stands as a shining example of community-driven initiatives to rectify the consequences of marijuana-related convictions.

By educating individuals about the expungement process and providing resources for self-representation, these organizations are actively contributing to a more just and equitable society. There is a profound impact of these efforts on individuals and communities alike. As Arizona continues to navigate the complex landscape of marijuana legalization, collaborative initiatives like these pave the way for a brighter and more inclusive future.

If you are part of a group or organization that values this sort of work, email the Reclaim Your Future team at info@azexpunge.org to coordinate the next Outreach Blitz. Reclaim Your Future will provide all the materials and instructions. You provide great people interested in doing great work!

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This quality content was created by Hey Joe Media, an Arizona small business.